It is a month since my first posting on this new blog, but work is finally back underway. I have been suffering with a very painful eye infection that has limited my ability to paint. However, it seems to be clearing up, and if I paint in natural daylight, as opposed to artificial light, I can paint for an hour or so.
The test figures are now almost complete, still some fine details to be added, but as these guys are so small and will be in three ranks on a 30 x 30 mm base, then I am not going to go overboard with the detailing.
I shall paint them up a regiment/battalion, at a time. I plan on two bases of fifteen figures, which should be adequate, though for smaller games, a single base will do. I have primed up a French unit to work on first, once the test figures have been finished.
This project will be running in tandem with the 28 mm Liberty or Death box set, to give me some variation in both era and scale.